Special Tax & Superannuation Topics 2023-24 - Navigating ATO focus areas - Part 1
While a taxpayer's main residence is generally exempt from CGT, it’s important to note that if it has been utilised to generate income, CGT may be applicable. The ATO will be cracking down on undisclosed gains from asset sales and taxpayers should not assume that such transactions will go unnoticed. This paper will explore common scenarios that may jeapardise the main residence exemption.
- Airbnb
- Business from the main residence & working from home
- Subdividing land which contains the main residence
- Switching between properties
- Living and working overseas
This session forms part of the Special Tax & Superannuation Topics Series. These concise 1.5-hour sessions have been specifically designed for an online platform to ensure training is informative, immersive and even fun. These sessions will:
- Ensure you get the critical knowledge you need while minimising your time out of the office.
- Assist you in providing proactive tax and superannuation advice and identifying tax planning opportunities early
- Help you avoid any possible traps and pitfalls
- Give you answers to the questions most relevant to you
Our partnership with Thomson Reuters gives you the most up-to-date information, updated regularly and enhanced by our technical specialists.
Continuing Professional Development Hours
The content covered in this topic constitutes verifiable CPD for CA ANZ, has been assessed for ASIC and FASEA CPD and also meets the Tax Practitioners Board's CPE requirements.
CA ANZ | Up to 1.5 CPD hours |
Tax Practitioners Board | Up to 1.5 CPD hours |
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Looking for more? Our Essential Tax & Superannuation Updates perfectly complement these special topic sessions.
This series is presented by our Senior Tax & Superannuation trainers:
Bruce Thomas, Senior Tax and Superannuation Trainer, CA ANZ
Bruce Thomas Senior Tax and Superannuation Trainer Bruce has written and presented training on a wide range of topics, including the tax aspects of real estate transactions, fringe benefits tax (FBT) and salary packaging. Bruce was previously a tax manager with William Buck Chartered Accountants where he advised clients on the application of the goods and services tax, FBT and other government charges. He worked for the Australian Taxation Office for 17 years, including as a senior officer dealing with technical issues involving the GST.
Lydia Kovacevich, Senior Tax and Superannuation Trainer, CA ANZ
Lydia has over 20 years’ experience in the tax and accounting industry working for, at various times, a ‘big four’ accounting firm, a second-tier firm, a global oil and gas service company, a tax training organisation and the Australian Taxation Office. During this time Lydia acquired extensive experience in tax and accounting matters relevant to various types of entities and industries and gained a wealth of experience in writing about tax. Lydia has a strong analytical and technical ability and is very passionate about tax education.
Topic: Tax
Sub-Topic: Income Tax
Format: Recorded Webinar
Proficiency Level: Intermediate, Advanced
CPD: Upto 1.5 hours