CPD 1.5 hours On Demand Course Online

Applied charts and dashboards - Key tools of the trade

Applied charts and dashboards - Key tools of the trade forms the 2nd part of a six course series that discusses the merits of relating key business narratives visually.


non-member : $130.91


This session brings together some of the key features and functions in Excel necessary to create the underlying data, charts and other outputs.

A litany of functions: EDATE / EOMONTH, INDEX / MATCH and other similar functions, SUMIF vs. SUMPRODUCT, LOOKUP

Why you should never use VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP

Custom number formatting

Conditional formatting

Interactivity using OFFSET, TEXT and other useful tools

The 'Applied charts and dashboards' series will help fine tune your interactive charting / dashboarding skills and hone your reporting techniques and hone your reporting techniques. Understand the importance of colour, dashboard positioning, formats, styles and know which visual to use when, how and why. A mix of supporting theory, combined with many hands-on illustrative examples, used to work through concurrently or afterwards.

You can find more information about the other five sessions in the 'Agenda' tab. 

