Not-For-Profit Regulatory Compliance - eLearning

This activity is presented by the Governance Institute of Australia.

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The aim of this course is to examine the current legal and regulatory requirements applicable to not-for-profit organisations.


Content Description

This informative half-day course demystifies the legal structures and regulatory framework underpinning not-for-profit organisations. You will identify the regulators and understand their impact on your not-for-profit organisation, including the ATO. We will cover the importance of the constituent document in understanding the implications of employment, WHS and privacy laws, and the definition of an unincorporated association and a public company limited by guarantee. This course is ideal for board secretaries, accountants, officers, directors, and board and committee members keen to increase their understanding of the legal and regulatory requirements in the not-for-profit sector.

Learning Outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of this activity you will be able to:
• Identify the basic legislative elements and compliance requirements governing the not-for-profit sector.
• Explain the function of the constituent document (constitution).
• Identify taxation (including GST) issues.
• Locate and apply useful resources in the not-for-profit sector.


Be briefed on the basic elements of current law and associated legal structures governing the not-for-profit sector. Understand the current legal, funding and taxation obligations applicable to not-for-profit organisations.


Topic: Ethics & Integrity

Sub-Topic: Governance

Format: eLearning

Proficiency Level: Foundation, Intermediate

CPD: Upto 3.5 hours